The MacGuys+ is an experienced IT support company that provides businesses with the remote resources they need to support their Apple Technology. The continuous shifts in the IT space can make it complicated for organizations to adapt, especially smaller businesses that need to provide their remote workforce the same level of support and security they had back in the office. As such, we’re at your service in setting up everything you need to tackle your digital transformation challenges in our new Work From Anywhere environment.

In our mission to arm our partners with the tools they require to advance their operations, we’re thrilled to announce that we’ve earned our latest 5-star review on Clutch.

For those who don’t know, Clutch is a hugely respected B2B reviews platform that helps firms across the globe connect with the solution providers that they need to improve effectiveness and increase productivity. Clutch endows businesses with the insights and analysis they need to connect and tackle challenges with confidence.

The latest rating in our catalog of verified reviews comes from Rick Bosak, the Creative Director of a financial services company. “We’ve hired the MacGuys+ on an annual basis for the ongoing support of our creative team's Mac workstations as well as our server, backups, and network connectivity within the larger Corporate IT network”.


The MacGuys+ Earns Addition to List of 5-Star Reviews on Clutch


Our request was for an initial consultation regarding the purchase and installation of a reliable server and backup solution, as well as weekly maintenance visits. The MacGuys+ proposed a contract that covered the implementation, as well as the visits, and also provided remote support or in-person visits.”

For many years, we worked closely with the client to not only meet their requirements but exceed their expectations. We’re proud to say that the solutions we provided them with were essential to the efficiency of their operations.

“The MacGuys+ proactive maintenance and support solved our previous problems with intermittent data back-ups, network incompatibility, and frequent workstation downtime. I never had to deal with panicked designers or clients due to an unresponsive computer or server.”

Find out more about this project by reading the full review on Clutch. Also, we’re named in the 2021 list of the top MSPs in Minneapolis by The Manifest, Clutch’s sister B2B platform.

Visit our webpage and book a Discovery Call today to discover how our solutions can improve your overall business functions. We specialize in supporting Work From Anywhere Mac-based businesses and teams. This could be a busy freelancer or solo practice, an IT department looking for support (Co-Managed IT)  for their Mac department, or SMBs that leverage Apple Technology.


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If you have any questions you can reach The MacGuys+ at 763-331-6227 or schedule an on-site visit here
Mac IT for the Minneapolis, St. Paul, Twin Cities Metro, and Western WI Area! Nation Wide, Co-Managed, Work Anyplace Mac IT Support.